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Tip-Toe Through the Parking Lot

I hate scary movies. Just seeing commercials for scary movies keeps me up at night. I have three different kinds of locks on my front door and an alarm system that sounds like patients of a psychiatric prison are escaping when I forget to disarm it before opening the door. When the news is reporting…

What’s Old, Cold, and has Pockets Full of Gold?

December was a great month for Cherribeez. Business picked up as people travelling to do holiday shopping stopped in for a bite and coworkers met over drinks to exchange secret Santa gifts. Even better than the uptick in activity, though, were the festive string lights adorning the perimeter of the dining room and the dividers…

Coming Out of the Closet

At just before nine o’clock, the best thing happened. My manager gave me the keys for the toilet dispensers. My golden ticket home. It wasn’t the most glamorous thing to get excited over, but I immediately made a beeline to the back corner of the dining room. I stopped in the tiny room next to…

Country Road, Take Me Home…

Garth was hungry, tired, and hadn’t peed in at least three states. He’d been trying to test his bladder, maybe build up some endurance, or maybe he just got too bored during his shifts recently. Or maybe he’d seen one too many adult diaper commercials and was having a midlife crisis. He certainly hadn’t seen…

“We’d Like to Invite You to Join Our Team!

Finally. After four months of unemployment, and a few more than four “big-girl job” rejections, an offer from my local Cherribeez was a godsend. They had a sudden opening and needed me right away, and my bank account needed them too. My fresh and sparkly English degree had left me with a love for classical…